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Co-located with Pharmaceutical Manufacturing China 2012
Overcoming regulatory and technological hurdles to reap the rewards of China’s biopharma growth
Biologic Manufacturing China 2012 is the only event in China that will cover the entire spectrum of biologic manufacturing, from early stage development to scale up manufacturing. This event will gather senior executives who are living and breathing critical challenges for biologic manufacturing to discuss and overcome regulatory and technological challenges to reap the rewards of China’s biopharma growth. Key topics covered include GMP compliance, build in quality, advanced engineering for process development and overcoming challenges throughout scale-up manufacturing.
For more information, contact us at or at +65 6722 9388.
亚洲生物制剂制造会议,是生物制剂制造领域重要的利益攸关者齐聚一堂、缩小策略及主题的会议。全球及区域内的生物製剂製造商、生物技术企业、受託製造业者及技术服务提供商齐聚一堂,针对提高生物製剂製造生產率的最新技术及最优良事例进行讨论。与BioPharma Asia Convention 2012(2012生物医药品亚洲会议)并设的此活动,是关心提高生物製剂製造生產率的策略及技术者应该要参加的活动。