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Xiang-rong ZHU  Hui WANG  Jian SUN  Bao YANG  Xue-wu DUAN  Yue-ming JIANG  
【摘要】:荔枝(Litchi chinensis Sonn.)和龙眼(Dimocarpus longan Lour.)果肉白色透明,深受消费者欢迎。荔枝和龙眼果实作为我国传统中草药,可用于缓解神经疼痛和肿胀。荔枝和龙眼的果皮和种子部分占整个果实干重约30%,含有丰富的生物活性物质。近年来研究发现,荔枝和龙眼的果皮和种子的提取物具有抑制酪氨酸酶活性、抗炎、免疫调节、抗糖化、抗癌以及增强记忆等功能。随着荔枝和龙眼果实在世界上种植面积和数量的迅速增加,加强对生物活性物质的利用尤其必要。本文综述了对荔枝和龙眼的果皮和种子中生物活性化合物的鉴定、提取和药理活性等方面研究的最新进展,并讨论了其资源潜在利用以及未来研究方向。
【作者单位】: Key 
【基金】:supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31770726) the National Key Research and Development Program of China(No.2016YFD0400904) 
Abstract: litchi (litchi chinensis Sonn.) and longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.) fruits have a succulent and white aril with a brown seed and are becoming popular worldwide. The two fruits have been used in traditional Chinese medicine as popular herbs in the treatment of neural pain, swelling, and cardiovascular disease. The pericarp and seed portions as the by-products of litchi and longan fruits are estimated to be approximately 30% of the dry weight of the whole fruit and are rich in bioactive constituents. In the recent years, many biological activities, such as tyrosinase inhibitory, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, anti-glycated, and anti-cancer activities, as well as memory-increasing effects, have been reported for the litchi and longan pericarp and seed extracts, indicating a potentially significant contribution to human health. With the increasing production of litchi and longan fruits, enhanced utilization of the two fruit by-products for their inherent bioactive constituents in relation to pharmacological effects is urgently needed. This paper reviews the current advances in the extraction, processing, identification, and biological and pharmacological activities of constituents from litchi and longan by-products. Potential utilization of litchi and longan pericarps and seeds in relation to further research is also discussed.
