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中文关键词:  卡波姆  水凝胶  栓剂  正交设计  含量测定
英文关键词:carbomer  aquogel  suppository  orthogonal design  content dertermination
作者 单位 E-mail
高捷  浙江医药高等专科学校,浙江 宁波 315100 
常忆凌  浙江医药高等专科学校,浙江 宁波 315100   
单伟光  浙江工业大学,杭州 310014   
摘要点击次数: 14
全文下载次数: 11
      目的 制备蛇床子素水凝胶栓,并建立其含量测定方法。方法 用正交设计法筛选得到最佳处方,采用HPLC测定蛇床子素水凝胶栓的含量。结果 蛇床子素水凝胶栓剂的最佳处方为:海藻酸钠0.4 g、吐温-80 2.4 g、单硬脂酸甘油酯1.2 g、卡波姆0.4 g。该处方条件下,3批栓剂样品的蛇床子素含量分别为每颗13.23,13.95,13.19 mg。结论 该处方设计合理,含量测定方法操作简便、快速准确。
      OBJECTIVE To preparation of osthole aquogel suppository and to establish its assay method. METHODS The optimal formula was optimized by orthogonal experiment and the content of osthole aquogel suppository was determined by HPLC. RESULTS The optimized formula was as follows: sodium alginate 0.4 g, Tween-80 2.4 g, glycerol monostearate 1.2 g, carbomer 0.4 g. With the optimal formula, the content of osthole in 3 batches of suppositories were 13.23, 13.95, 13.19 mg, respectively. CONCLUSION The design of the formula is reasonable, the method for assaying is simple, fast and accurate.

药理药效  【】 蛇床子素具有解痉、降血压、抗心律失常、增强免疫功能及广谱抗菌作用。温肾壮阳,燥湿,祛风,杀虫。用于阳痿、宫冷、不孕、寒湿带下、湿鼻腰痛;外治外阴湿疹,妇人阴痒,滴虫性阴道炎.
